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New Automated Defibrillator
Our new automated defibrillator is on site and fully functional,…
Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the plantar fascia of the foot. This is a structure which is found on the under surface of your heel and extends down to your toes.This can cause pain on the sole of your feet when you are walking. This can often occur if you do a lot of sport but can also affect people who are sedentary. Symptoms can be related to poor mechanics of the foot.
Physiotherapy for plantar fascia pain can include electrotherapy, manual therapy, orthotics and a graduated loading programme. If you suffer with plantar fasciitis come and have this assessed by one of our therapists. Steroid injections if indicated for pain relief can be be administered by Dr Connolly using a diagnostic ultrasound.
Our new automated defibrillator is on site and fully functional,…