Latest News
New Automated Defibrillator
Our new automated defibrillator is on site and fully functional,…
Hand and wrist problems can have a severe impact on your ability to perform day to day activities such as lifting, using keys, opening doors, dressing and writing. The hand and wrist is comprised of several joints, tendons and nerves all working in unison allowing you to grasp objects in your hand.
At Standish Therapy Centre we have a specialist hand physiotherapist who can accurately assess and manage your hand or wrist problem. Treatments available include manual therapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture, thermoplastic splints and if indicated an onward referral to Dr Connolly who can also help with the diagnosis and management of your pain using diagnostic ultrasound and image guided steroid injections.
Our new automated defibrillator is on site and fully functional,…