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New Automated Defibrillator
Our new automated defibrillator is on site and fully functional,…
Knee pain can include the following symptoms: pain, stiffness, a grating or grinding sensation on movement, swelling (both soft and hard) as well as locking or giving way. Some of these symptoms can be related to poor musculature and mechanics. Previous trauma to the knee can also lead to problems in the knee later on in life.
There are several ways of improving knee pain and most conditions will respond well to exercises that improve mechanics and muscle strength. If you suffer with knee pain and any of the above symptoms can and have your knee assessed. Your treating therapist can diagnose your problem and provide you with appropriate treatment including a bespoke strengthening program. Steroid injections if indicated for pain can be administrated by Dr Connolly.
Our new automated defibrillator is on site and fully functional,…